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Fun Stuff / Proof of delivery
« Last post by Sorastro on July 26, 2024, 08:37:13 PM »
Had a delivery today by post, I was upstairs when they delivered it and so was handed it to the wife. Watched the postwoman walk up the drive and as she got to the gate she waved her phone in the air and then was gone. I looked online later to track the parcels history and at the end was a box that said "Proof of delivery"......... and there was a picture of the bonnet of my car and the hedge!!!

However that would stand up in court had I claimed I never received it I don't know.

Having said that when I had my parcel delivery head on all those years ago {pre scanners} I knew the houses where to {definitely} get a signature and the ones where I didn't have to worry.
General Discussion / Clay Cross roadworks
« Last post by Sorastro on July 25, 2024, 08:57:56 PM »
Went to Tesco C/C this morning traffic was queuing back from the Tesco petrol station r/bout right back to near the Royal Oak pub so did a u turn and went through Holmgate.
They have the traffic lights on the island working now and it's absolute bedlam, we were there about 8:45 am so if your going to C/C or just passing through stick to the side roads.
Rants / Re: The Range
« Last post by kromercap on July 24, 2024, 08:05:49 PM »
The real irony in this situation, of course, is that you're a human, trying to convince a machine that you are not another machine.
And that if the machine doesn't believe you, it won't let you spend your money with the humans who own the machine, and rely on your income to keep the machine working. Good luck figuring out the logic in that one.

Our race is, basically, doomed...

Rants / The Range
« Last post by Sorastro on July 24, 2024, 12:57:24 PM »
I have just clicked onto the Range site and before it connected me I had to verify that "You are a human"  WHAT!!!

I could understand if I was in their shop at the checkout stood behind a Wookie, two Klingons and a chimpanzee but as I've never come across them shopping in the Range I find the question superfluous. Mybe I'm shopping at the wrong store!
General Discussion / Re: Tow Bar Fitting Recommendations
« Last post by smithy266 on July 23, 2024, 11:59:36 PM »
I think the company on Storforth Lane, opposite the 10 pin bowling place areok...
General Discussion / Tow Bar Fitting Recommendations
« Last post by ruade on July 23, 2024, 03:22:30 PM »
I am looking to have a tow bar fitted and wonder if anyone has a recommendation for a suitable company to fit it?

There seems to be so many nightmares online about badly fitted electrics.

Many thanks
Rants / School holidays
« Last post by Sorastro on July 22, 2024, 11:54:33 AM »
School holidays..especially the 6 weeks {just started}.

I'd like to take a straw poll, are you for or against schoolkids having so many holidays, what's your opinion, you must have an opinion one way or another....... my opinion is simple I'm against.

 They do not need so many holidays nowadays and that's a fact. When I was at school yes we had the 6 weeks holidays about August time but there was a reason for it, a reason that no longer exists so why carry on with it. It was on t.v. the other day, because of the six week holidays most people working will have to pay for child care in the holidays and 6 weeks worth would set you back at the very least a grand and that's just for 1 child.

Yes my opinion is based on bias, simply put my kids don't {or didn't} go around annoying other people, I saw to that,  so why should I put up with other peoples kids annoying me.

I've now got 6 weeks of feral kids roaming this estate till September.
Politics / Re: And so it begins
« Last post by Old Cruser on July 21, 2024, 09:34:09 PM »
He should have stood down awhile ago, clearly gas age issues abd won't  be up to the job.
Politics / Re: And so it begins
« Last post by Sorastro on July 21, 2024, 08:50:37 PM »
Meanwhile what's your thought on Jo Biden

It's the right decision but he should have done it awhile  ago. He's clearly not well maybe just old age but he's  not upto the work needed.

Just found out he's dropped out, lets hope he didn't do too much damage leading up to the election.
Politics / Re: And so it begins
« Last post by Sorastro on July 21, 2024, 12:54:53 PM »
I have just watched Kemi Badenoch in the house of Commons, the other day,  addressing Angela Rayner and congratulating her on her new role.

She basically told Angela that her new government has "Stitched her up" none more so than in regards to Labours pledge to build 1.5 million homes in this parliament as it's unattainable and she makes some valid points. She basically said 1.5 million homes roughly works out at building over 800 per day in the length of this parliament to reach their target. Labour has been in power about 3 weeks now and already not a brick has been laid, this also doesn't take into consideration all the asylum seekers that are going to be fast tracked and allowed to stay {they will need homes!} so by the time they get their fingers out they are going to be thousands of homes behind and more than likely can't catch up.

Now I understand why the Tories lost the's because they wanted to. Give it about 3 years and Labours name will be mud.
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