Using this post..........
It's Grand National weekend coming up on the 13th, every year there's an outcry due to the number of horses dying, especially in just that one race {4 last year} and every year their voices are drowned out and the carnage continues.
All because there's far too much money to be made to worry about a few horses, there must be tens of millions of pounds bet on that one race so a few do- gooders bellyaching about dead horses will not stop the "fun".
I think I mentioned on an earlier post about Aintree, something to do with ambulances covering at the track over Grand National weekend when "genuine" patients dial 999 and can't get an ambulance to attend 'cos they are too busy rubbing cream on jockey's sore backsides.
Very few things I get on my high horse for {excuse the pun} but horse racing makes me seethe.
I put horse racing, in any form in the same category I would put bullfighting