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Messages - Old Cruser

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 569
General Discussion / Re: Charles in Australia
« on: November 02, 2024, 09:20:46 AM »
I'm thinking they will have a stash somewhere but going back to the heckler and others who live in the past History is what it is History and although good to be remembered it doesn't need to be brought into today life. We would never be speaking to half of the World if that was the case due to Wars etc.

Moving on to -
Spencer - the film.
We watched the the other night. What an awful film! It portrayed Princess Diana as totally out of it - needed sectioning.
Maybe she did have Mental Health problems but that film was an insult. I only hope the Princes never watched it!

General Discussion / Re: Charles in Australia
« on: November 02, 2024, 09:13:56 AM »
Saw on the news Charles getting heckled after his speech down under. Lidia Thorpe shouted:- "Your not my King, it's not your land" right on both points.

I don't know what she's bellyaching about, they only have to put up with a couple of royals once every twenty years or so, we've got the lot of them 24/7.

Did you see Camilla's face when she was standing in the middle of the dancers  :)) I think one needs more lessons on how to be a 'Royal' as she was looking as if she found it all very distasteful with her face screwed up!

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Fireworks
« on: October 29, 2024, 08:31:04 PM »
I don't think the Rugby Club have had theirs yet. I think it's the 8th November.
The Scouts have one, top end of Nethermoor Road but again I don't think they've had it yet.

Politics / Re: Stop the boats
« on: October 29, 2024, 08:04:22 PM »
Where do the Migrants get money to pay these Crookston bring them here?

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Fireworks
« on: October 29, 2024, 08:02:34 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Agent O.
They must have plenty of money!
We could only afford to let them off on the night

Chesterfield Discussion / Rose Hill Caf Park
« on: October 29, 2024, 07:59:48 PM »
What's  happening on there. There's a large area dug up?

Politics / Re: Mr. Bates versus the Post Office
« on: October 29, 2024, 07:57:53 PM »
They're a disgrace, amateurs flailing in the world of politics.

General Discussion / Re: Clay Cross roadworks
« on: October 16, 2024, 09:12:44 AM »
I actually laughed when I first saw all the lights round that roundabout.
It looked ridiculous.
Yesterday on my way back from the vets heading towards Tupton they were ON.
I was fortunate as my approach was on Green so apart from a slow crawl up to them I went through ok.
The other way from Tupton there were vehicles stood all the way to the MacDs roundabout.
I'll be using Hepthorne Lane way into Clay Cross more often!7

General Discussion / Re: Back to work we go!
« on: October 09, 2024, 02:18:46 PM »
The eldest took a lot of responsibilities back then.
Does the same happen today I wonderl.

General Discussion / Re: Who cares?
« on: October 05, 2024, 08:21:41 PM »
A band from Manchester {I always thought they were from Liverpool, shows how much interest I had in them}
Their publicity photo's don't help either especially the publicity picture of the two brothers together it always reminds me of the infamous Kray twins, the two brothers have the look of "You'd better come to our gigs, if you don't we know where you live".

If their publicity photo's are taken to make them look's working.

Not taken much notice TBH.
Now if we were to roll the clock back to the 60s Liverpool group I would be in a queue waiting for tickets ;)

Rants / Re: Two 13 year olds sentenced for murder
« on: October 05, 2024, 08:14:13 PM »
Spot on Sorastro. It is the parenting.

Those games shouldn't be allowed in the home infact I don't agree with the making of them.
We had fights as kids, children do.
If I went home crying because someone gad hit me I was shoved back through the door telling me to go hit them back :-? I wouldn't do that but it was only hands not weapons.
We are in a violent world now

Rants / Motability
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:43:51 PM »
Before i begin this I need to say this isn't a rant about Motability who have been more than helpful.
Short version - a scratch on the back of car whilst hoisting the chair into the back of the car.
I was offered a curtesy car which I accepted as was told it would be away for a week.
Daughter had a medical appointment.
A car was booked and I stipulated twice it needed to be a low car with room for a folding manual wheelchair. I needed it by lunch time on the day our car was going in.
I had a text from the hire company that the car would be with me at 6pm or just after - no good to me.
So, Ok I decided to sort the transport out myself.
Ordinary taxi which could take daughter and PA plus fold up manual chair to daughters appointment.
( Her normal taxis do school runs and would be available to transport her in powered wheelchair)
No problem said Motability we can arrange a taxi - brilliant I didn't know they provided that service.
Taxi arrived on time and transported in powered wheelchair to medical appointment.
PROBLEM - the company couldn't then get transport to get them back home.
It was getting cold and shops about to close so I cancelled the taxi ( they were still looking 20 minutes after she should have been picked up!!

Hire car arrived in the middle of the afternoon - it's HUGE no way can daughter get in that - need frigging ladders which she can't climb any way.
Result I refused to drive it and instructed Motability to cancel it.
It's currently still sitting on our drive!

To motability, i suggest maybe a scrutiny of car hirer used and taxi company.

Rants / Re: The Range
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:31:01 PM »
 :)) I sometimes question if I'm human as my motor is still running when I would have thought it was running slow by now! ;D

Rants / Re: Two 13 year olds sentenced for murder
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:29:17 PM »
Some of this has to be because of the games they are playing on the Xboxes or whatever they use these days.
It's not a real world they are playing but they can't always separate that and the result is the horrendous
crimes we are now hearing about.
Talking to Police a few weeks ago, this subject came up and I was told they are going to school to talk to children explaining that the games they play are not real life - basically it's to try and make them aware they need to separate fiction and fact!
Back onto the technology of another thread!

General Discussion / Re: Who cares?
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:15:19 PM »
Totally disinterested - remind me who are oasis???  ::)

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