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Topics - Sorastro

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Chesterfield Discussion / "Oak" in the Shambles
« on: February 06, 2025, 08:08:30 PM »
Looks like the Royal Oak in the Shambles has been bought after it's stood empty a while. Didn't read all of it but apparently it's been bought by a couple of Ex teachers. Who says teachers are badly paid?

I haven't been in the Oak in donkeys years, I remember it was a decent pint but it always looked like the bar scene from Star Wars.
I wish them luck.

Politics / U.K. sensus
« on: January 26, 2025, 09:01:54 PM »
Just been looking at some {approximate} figures for the countries population census..

2024...........69 million
2023......68.5 million
2019.....67 million
2001....58.5 million
1955.....51 million
1951.....43.5 million
1841.....20.5 million
Daily ratio 2024 {approx} was deaths 1836.....births 1872.....intake of migrants 1142

From 2019 to 2023 we lost thousands to Covid yet the population still increased!! from 2019 to 2024 {5years} it increased by just 2 million, yet from 1955 to 2001 {46 years} it only went up by 7.5 million? at this rate we will be fit to bursting in another 20 years.

Chesterfield Discussion / Peak gateway resort
« on: January 23, 2025, 01:38:05 PM »
Well it's finally started... the Peak gateway "resort" at Sheepbridge. According to the's the "long awaited" £1billion pound project.

They aren't kidding when they say it's long awaited, when was working for a company {on sheebridge trad est} the staff were always talking about it and a few said when built they would apply for jobs there, I left that job in 2008 so this has been in the pipeline for what 18 years?? so you can imagine if they had started and built it in 2008 just think of the cost compared to today, it wouldn't surprise me to find it's doubled maybe even trebled.

"Fully implemented the resort would sustain thousands of jobs". That's a bold statement, I'm assuming they include auxiliary and support staff such as deliveries and the like in that.

General Discussion / Cease Fire Gaza
« on: January 17, 2025, 02:19:45 PM »
In short it won't last 5 minutes.

The Israeli's don't really want to negotiate with "terrorists" who basically can't be trusted, Hamas though having the cr*p kicked out of them are still working on the principal that they're winning when all they've got, as regards the upper hand, is the hostages and they know that once they return ALL the hostages Israel is really going to go after them, and knowing Israel the last 15 months will seem like a picnic in comparison.

Although Israel is guilty of overkill {excuse the pun} it would be bad for Israel, and the middle east, to let Hamas "regroup" which is what they will ultimately do.

General Discussion / Postage stamps
« on: January 15, 2025, 08:31:01 PM »
It appears the price of 1st and 2nd class stamps have risen this month.

£1:65 for 1st class and 85p for second class, that's almost a hundred % mark up between them. I stopped buying first class early last year and just send any mail 2nd class {for most people letter sending is a dying art} I just keep a couple of 1st class for anything urgent.

The way I see it is:- basically a postman sorts his letters out daily for a round, depending on the mail intake that day, obviously starting with the bulk "important" mail {1st class} then making up with junk mail {as that's their bread and butter} then 2nd class.

Now if everybody transfers their mail over, and just uses 2nd class stamps, then by design 2nd class becomes the "important" mail as it's now the bulk of his days work so in fact you should end up with a 1st class delivery using 2nd class stamps, and saving money.

Entertainment / Christmas T.V. listings
« on: December 17, 2024, 02:13:28 PM »
Not a total surprise..........same old drivel on the box.

We bought the T.V.  guide for Xmas the other day, I don't know why they just don't print extra copies one year and keep them over for the next as it's all the same, with maybe some exceptions but those are few and far between.  A good 85% of what's on the box over Xmas will be repeats.

Chesterfield Discussion / Demo
« on: December 11, 2024, 10:52:22 AM »
Steer clear of chesterfield today, farmers demonstrating going to be hold ups

Politics / Syria liberated
« on: December 09, 2024, 09:57:03 AM »
So Assad has been ousted, Syria is free from his tyrannical rule.

But what is going to fill the void? as with middle east countries the population end up with an even bigger nightmare, remember Baghdad remember Lybia. Even way back to Idi Amin and Uganda the bloke that took over from Amin turned out to be ten times worse, so much so that the Ugandan people at one stage wanted Amin back.

Turns out Assad has gone to Russia, not a surprise there, I just wonder what Assad's wife {who is British} makes of it all, she can't have been totally unaware of what was happening in the country for all those years...... perhaps she's another Eva Peron!!!

Rants / Jeeez!
« on: November 21, 2024, 07:21:31 PM »
Banana taped to a wall fetches 5 million dollars at art auction......I'll wake up in a minute.

Fun Stuff / All I want for Christmas!
« on: November 20, 2024, 11:25:29 AM »
Just had a quick look online at the "must have" gifts for Christmas, you know the ones.... tortoise polisher, combined cigarette lighter and coat hanger you get the drift and I came across one item that I've also seen advertised on tv, this one is the Enence instant voice translator which apparently can translate your speech in a matter of seconds into about 60 different languages. According to some sites they can be bought for around the £40 to £50 mark, not a bank busting price, so why aren't the Emergency services equipped with them?

Digging deeper it is {allegedly} not needed as it "Relies on an app already on your phone which uses a low quality version of google translate" now this is all double Dutch to me but I'm guessing if I bought one I would have difficulty using it with my Doro.

I'm just wondering if, to set the record straight, anyone out there has bought it {or similar make} and it WILL work without having an all bells and whistles phone.   

General Discussion / Ordering on line
« on: November 16, 2024, 11:28:59 AM »
This is something I loath to do and yes I blame this on the demise of the High street 100% so why you ask yourselves do I {occasionally} order on line.....good question!
The simplicity of it you may say, the item is with you within days, it's so simple! not for me it 'aint.

Since the beginning of August I have ordered only 4 times on line, items from different places. For obvious reasons I won't print the company names as I'm in the throws of trying to recoup my "losses".

August.....Sent cheque to clothing company for items for my wife, letter came, out of stock and we will be waiting weeks for said order so cancelled it and to date no refund.
October....Ordered item, part was damaged sent it back {which for some reason was shipped abroad} got it back 14 days later unopened, finally contacted U.K. sender who finally gave refund.
October....Ordered similar item from another company took a month to arrive. doesn't work looking on internet reviews all say scam company, in process of going through my bank.
November.....Ordered a couple of books for the wife absolutely no problem.

Success rate.......25%, Yes millions of satisfied customers out there but clearly I'm not one of them.

Politics / Stop the boats
« on: October 25, 2024, 01:28:42 PM »
Stop the boats...sounds simple enough but when you consider it's a very lucrative money spinner for the gangs operating this trade stopping it becomes a little difficult.

France, despite us giving them £millions each year are doing bu**er all to stop this trade, their just glad to see the back of them so no help from over the water.

The government {and the previous one} said "We're going to smash the gangs" how? you smash one gang there's another dozen ready to take it's place it's a ludicrous situation,
Also 99% of these immigrants coming over are young men, each {apparently} has paid the gang master about £5,000 for a place on the boat, if they are as poor and downtrodden as they claim to be where do they get that kind of money? it's cheaper to come to Britain via the Q.E.2 and a good majority of them, once here, cannot be traced. My opinion is they are sent here by these gangs and once here they work in the black economy sending money back to these gang masters thereby flooding this country with a cheap unaccountable workforce that are feeding money into the gangs bank accounts.

How to stop the boats,,,,I could put a stop to it tomorrow, line up the french beaches with spotty kids with pellet guns

Rants / Get a life!!!
« on: October 22, 2024, 02:40:29 PM »
O.K. so Liam Payne is dead, yes tragic... as all deaths are especially involving someone so young but having vigils where he died and in other places I mean come on people... "GET A GRIP".

Stood outside the hotel singing {his} songs and building shrines what's the matter haven't you got homes {and jobs} to go to.
The {younger} publics fascination with sackcloth and ashes and all, these people, 99% of whom never met him probably never got within 500 feet of him are weeping and wailing just because they bought a couple of his records or went to his concerts, if that's how they carry on when a "stranger" dies what are they going to be like when heaven forbid it's a member of their family. 

General Discussion / Charles in Australia
« on: October 22, 2024, 02:16:32 PM »
Saw on the news Charles getting heckled after his speech down under. Lidia Thorpe shouted:- "Your not my King, it's not your land" right on both points.

I don't know what she's bellyaching about, they only have to put up with a couple of royals once every twenty years or so, we've got the lot of them 24/7.

General Discussion / It sounds simple because it is simple
« on: October 15, 2024, 01:28:04 PM »
Yet another on line banker swindled out of money, this time the scammer pretended to be from Monso or whoever claiming to be their fraud department saying someone is hacking into their account, YES it was him and he managed to drained her account of thousands.

Whilst yet again stipulating I have zero sympathy with people who use on line banking, I do realise it's the modern way most of us do our banking, so how do you safeguard yourself from scammers?

Simply put, treat the person ringing you up as they would treat you if you had rung them. You know the drill you ring the banks call centre and they ask you certain questions, mums maiden name, school you went to, all these verification questions to ensure it's YOU, so why can't we do the same to them?
If someone rings claiming to be from your banks call centre they should have in front of them a pre arranged codeword that only you and the bank know or better still more than one in a specific order so a scammer would have to be a mind reader to tell you your codewords so anyone ringing out of the blue you would know immediately if they are genuine or not......end of.

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