« on: October 25, 2024, 01:28:42 PM »
Stop the boats...sounds simple enough but when you consider it's a very lucrative money spinner for the gangs operating this trade stopping it becomes a little difficult.
France, despite us giving them £millions each year are doing bu**er all to stop this trade, their just glad to see the back of them so no help from over the water.
The government {and the previous one} said "We're going to smash the gangs" how? you smash one gang there's another dozen ready to take it's place it's a ludicrous situation,
Also 99% of these immigrants coming over are young men, each {apparently} has paid the gang master about £5,000 for a place on the boat, if they are as poor and downtrodden as they claim to be where do they get that kind of money? it's cheaper to come to Britain via the Q.E.2 and a good majority of them, once here, cannot be traced. My opinion is they are sent here by these gangs and once here they work in the black economy sending money back to these gang masters thereby flooding this country with a cheap unaccountable workforce that are feeding money into the gangs bank accounts.
How to stop the boats,,,,I could put a stop to it tomorrow, line up the french beaches with spotty kids with pellet guns