Author Topic: Things that really annoy me  (Read 11988 times)

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Chesterfield 4ever

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #45 on: September 17, 2023, 04:18:10 PM »
Hosepipes are useful getting the initial dust off before hand washing
Use a cloth it's about saving water isn't it. Jeez

Chesterfield 4ever

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #46 on: September 17, 2023, 04:25:00 PM »
I've considered getting a 4x4, about 3 foot long, to hit the people who annoy me  (y) >;
you want to hit people who annoy you. Tells me what you are all about then.


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #47 on: November 01, 2023, 11:57:46 AM »
Wait until the infrastructure is actually finished.

That's when they start knocking on your door and filling your letter box with junk mail, trying to get you to buy a subscription.


They have been working on our estate for a while now and about a fortnight ago I heard a knock on my front door, as it turns out it was a Virgin media "salesman". I can always tell when it's someone trying to sell me something as the kitchen door and front door are only 10 feet apart and the front door has a sign on it clearly saying please use other door and on the kitchen door is a bell and a couple of in your face notices on it one stating "NO DOOR TO DOOR SALESMEN" so that's why they knock on the front door so they can feign ignorance.
I let him babble on for about a minute and then said "I don't have the internet" and shut the door.

I thought door to door salesmen had been banned?
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #48 on: November 02, 2023, 12:55:45 AM »
Over 90% of all computer problems can be traced back to the interface between the keyboard and the chair


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #49 on: November 06, 2023, 08:09:20 PM »
Just read it Fly..
It says something along the lines of "It may be a criminal offence for a trader to ignore your sign" exactly what I mean about these people pretending not to notice my sign.

As I have about 3 signs on my front door and the same on the "back" door I am really tempted to take the whole lot down and just put one very large sign that says... {put expletive here}
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.

Old Cruser

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #50 on: November 15, 2023, 01:06:11 PM »
Just read it Fly..
It says something along the lines of "It may be a criminal offence for a trader to ignore your sign" exactly what I mean about these people pretending not to notice my sign.

As I have about 3 signs on my front door and the same on the "back" door I am really tempted to take the whole lot down and just put one very large sign that says... {put expletive here}

A door bell camera so you can see who is at your door and ignore if appropriate?
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #51 on: November 15, 2023, 08:21:31 PM »
Anyway back to my favourite!

I went to Sainsburys at Whitt moor yesterday and I was literally ripping my hair out. stood at a checkout with two others waiting, and waiting because the couple being served kept disappearing into the store picking things they had "forgot", so decided, against my better judgement, as we only had half a dozen items to go to the self service tills. These tills are not me friendly, and we couldn't figure out what we were doing wrong as we couldn't scan stuff so I asked one of the staff to help and she just shrugged her shoulders and said "I'm not on this section" in the end I said to the wife look just leave the stuff and we'll go to Tesco when another member of staff offered help and asked why we didn't ask, I said we did and was basically ignored {we only went in there because we needed Argos}.

There might be changes afoot in stores, it appears a lot of them are starting to scrap the self service tills. I'm not surprised, they must have lost millions to people only scanning half of what they've got in their baskets and it serves them right too.
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.

Old Cruser

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #52 on: November 17, 2023, 04:01:13 PM »
Self service isn't suitable for us. we don't shop every week. When we do go it's two trollies - full.
I really couldn't be bothered with trying to get that through especially if they are only using those small checkout benches.
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #53 on: November 22, 2023, 02:44:39 PM »
Supermarkets have without a doubt caused the demise of the "local shop". Everyone nowadays has become accustomed to buying in bulk and shopping maybe once or twice a week but no matter how much stuff they get from the supermarket they will inevitably use their local shop during the week for one off items.
When I was a lad there were at least 32 shops and businesses in our village, 3 pubs and a club and no one had even heard the word supermarket, now there are 2 pubs a club {only just} and less than a dozen shops and businesses.

I often wonder if supermarkets would benefit by going back to the old shop system. Basically walk into say Tesco C/C and be met with one long counter with manned tills evenly spaced along it and all the goods behind the counter {a bit like Argos} give them a shopping list, sit back and wait for someone at the rear to pick your order and wheel out your goods, then pay and leave, with a few tweaks here and there I reckon that could work.
   No more shelf stackers, or delivery van pickers, getting in your way, no more constantly asking people to move because they are stood talking blocking the aisles no more prices going up because they have to recoup losses through more shoplifting which also  means less spent on security.

I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #54 on: November 23, 2023, 08:09:41 AM »
I went to W H Smiths in Ches the other day, bought just one item, nobody on the cash till, so had to self serve, which I did, went off tp the market square, then realised I had left my phone on the pay machine...luckily, the proper cashier came back and rescued it...

Old Cruser

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2023, 06:42:52 PM »
I went to W H Smiths in Ches the other day, bought just one item, nobody on the cash till, so had to self serve, which I did, went off tp the market square, then realised I had left my phone on the pay machine...luckily, the proper cashier came back and rescued it...

Wow that was lucky smithy 266
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2023, 11:10:54 PM »
went back there again today, and had to use the self pay thing again, and made the mistake of telling the wife what happened last time. Jeez, my ears took a bashing....doubt if I will ever hear the end of it!


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #57 on: January 26, 2024, 09:05:26 PM »
Scottish people who start EVERY sentence with "erm"

Drivers who drive into a parking space only to struggle reversing out {'cos they can't see}...reverse in, drive out.

People who stand at a bus stop for ten minutes then when they get on the bus THAT'S when they start fumbling for their fare.

Dustbin men who leave rubbish on the road because they can't be ars*d to pick it up.

People in shops wanting the person behind the counter to check fifty lottery tickets for them.

Parcel delivery drivers who use scanners.


Phoning premium numbers.

Booking a holiday and being asked to "buy" your seats on the plane.

Phoning the doctors for an appointment and talking to a none medical receptionist.

Self service "tills" in supermarkets.

Blue badge holders.

Going for a meal {in a pub} and having to pay for your meal before you get it.

Noise {of any description}

Football fans who don't understand you don't really like football.

Appeal commercials on T.V.


Too many tattoos.

School holidays.

Body odour.

Mobile phones that give out that silly "whistle" when they get a text.

Mobile phones.

Oh dear


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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #58 on: May 01, 2024, 11:57:09 AM »
Continuing the shopping theme {I wouldn't go near a shop but the wife makes me}

It happened again this morning in Tesco I always walk a couple of feet in front of my wife with the trolley, I stop at a possible purchase where there is already a woman stood perusing the merchandise and I ask the wife something along the lines of  "Do we need any beans" and the woman looks at me as though I'm talking to her, oblivious to the fact my wife is stood either behind her or at the side of her.

Now why would I ask a complete stranger if WE need more beans, I've lost count of the times that's happened.
Also why do shoppers heading for the exit always give a fully laden shopping trolley to granny, the weakest of the bunch, to push to the car.

I still maintain shoppers should be given an intelligence test before they're allowed in.
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.

Old Cruser

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Re: Things that really annoy me
« Reply #59 on: May 02, 2024, 01:10:55 PM »
Also why do shoppers heading for the exit always give a fully laden shopping trolley to granny, the weakest of the bunch, to push to the car.

The trolley holds Granny up  :)) I speak from experience  :))
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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