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Chesterfield Discussion / "Oak" in the Shambles
« Last post by Sorastro on February 06, 2025, 08:08:30 PM »
Looks like the Royal Oak in the Shambles has been bought after it's stood empty a while. Didn't read all of it but apparently it's been bought by a couple of Ex teachers. Who says teachers are badly paid?

I haven't been in the Oak in donkeys years, I remember it was a decent pint but it always looked like the bar scene from Star Wars.
I wish them luck.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
« Last post by Sorastro on February 06, 2025, 08:00:17 PM »
So Trumps newest brainwave is turning the Gaza strip into Trumpland and scattering the Palestinians to the four winds.

Actually if you say it fast enough it doesn't sound all that bad an idea, asking Egypt and Jordan to take the bulk of Palestinians while he builds a millionaires playground on the site {with a large American military base permanently stationed there of course}. Netanyahu's all for it as it rids Israel of the Palestinian problem, unfortunately it won't rid Israel of the Hamas problem which is what caused the conflict in the first place they will still be lurking in the background.

Domestically if you have a problem with your next door neighbour and it's ongoing and no resolution in sight then one way of settling it once and for all is if one or both parties move. 
General Discussion / Re: Cease Fire Gaza
« Last post by Sorastro on February 02, 2025, 07:35:44 PM »
I still don't get it........ again a handful of Israeli hostages released against almost 200 Palestinians. This may prove my point about hostages being the best bargaining chip Hamas have.

I doubt Israel {after this} will ever let themselves be caught out again.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
« Last post by Sorastro on February 02, 2025, 07:28:51 PM »
High tarriffs  what's that going to do,it's going to end up tit for tat and the only people losing out are the customers.

Canada alone sends billions of dollars worth of automobile parts to the U.S. for car production each year.
Strangely enough China only gets a 10% tarriff whereas Canada {U.S. next door neighbour}  gets landed with 25%.
General Discussion / Re: Fires in the USA
« Last post by Sorastro on January 31, 2025, 08:14:20 PM »
Why rebuild on the same spot? it will only happen again, and as if that's not enough to contend with without having to live on the San Andreas fault which runs through California, if your houses don't burn down they're shaken down. why don't they just build 50 miles inland in the Nevada desert.
Politics / Re: And so it begins
« Last post by Sorastro on January 31, 2025, 08:03:11 PM »
When I was a young {good looking} lad just leaving school and starting work, I was blissfully ignorant of politics and overhearing a conversation on politics by a couple of my older workmates one said:-
"Why can't we just get rid of all the M.P.'s and pay the 12 best brains in Britain to run the country". That was in the mid 60's,I believe that conversation is just as relevant now than ever.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
« Last post by Sorastro on January 31, 2025, 07:52:22 PM »
Trump is a classic example of "Put brain in gear before operating mouth"

He just spouts mainly garbage because firstly he loves the sound of his own voice and secondly his yes men don't have the bottle to correct him.

When he stands there pouting on t.v. he reminds me very much of another know all, from history, that said what he wanted and those around him dare not contradict Mussolini
General Discussion / Re: Cease Fire Gaza
« Last post by Old Cruser on January 31, 2025, 02:46:21 PM »
The hand over is a shambles, poor women stuck in the middle of huge crowds being jostled. What purpose does that serve.
Politics / Re: Donald Trump
« Last post by Old Cruser on January 31, 2025, 02:43:14 PM »
WOW. So Donald has opened his mouth big time regarding the helicopter / Aircraft collision.
He is well out of order blaming the Diversity rule used by the previous people in charge.
How does he make that assumption - the pilot may have turned suddenly very ill.
 He should keep his mouth zipped until the correct investigations are completed - then he can spout off.
Politics / U.K. sensus
« Last post by Sorastro on January 26, 2025, 09:01:54 PM »
Just been looking at some {approximate} figures for the countries population census..

2024...........69 million
2023......68.5 million
2019.....67 million
2001....58.5 million
1955.....51 million
1951.....43.5 million
1841.....20.5 million
Daily ratio 2024 {approx} was deaths 1836.....births 1872.....intake of migrants 1142

From 2019 to 2023 we lost thousands to Covid yet the population still increased!! from 2019 to 2024 {5years} it increased by just 2 million, yet from 1955 to 2001 {46 years} it only went up by 7.5 million? at this rate we will be fit to bursting in another 20 years.

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