General Category > Chesterfield Discussion


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Old Cruser:
We went into chesterfield last Monday, the work on the Market area is it larger? The Market none existent. Enjoyed the old cars though.

Come back to the market square tomorrow, I will be there with my car...

Old Cruser:

--- Quote from: smithy266 on September 15, 2024, 11:02:41 PM ---Come back to the market square tomorrow, I will be there with my car...

--- End quote ---

Sorry, we couldn't get into town yesterday.
If you are there everh Monday I'll come and say hello.

Should be there next Monday.....

Old Cruser:
It will be mid October before we can get into Chesterfield again on Mondays but I'll post on here.  What type of car have you got. All of  them always look immaculate


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