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Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Market Place
« Last post by Sorastro on November 04, 2024, 07:53:42 PM »
Walked down near Dents this morning and had a quick look at the cars, my favourite was the "poor mans Rolls Royce" the Rover, those               motors when they first came out were head turners {and they still are}.
Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Rose Hill Caf Park
« Last post by Fly on November 03, 2024, 03:13:31 PM »
Storage yard for the cobbles and pavers from the market.
General Discussion / Re: Charles in Australia
« Last post by Old Cruser on November 02, 2024, 09:20:46 AM »
I'm thinking they will have a stash somewhere but going back to the heckler and others who live in the past History is what it is History and although good to be remembered it doesn't need to be brought into today life. We would never be speaking to half of the World if that was the case due to Wars etc.

Moving on to -
Spencer - the film.
We watched the the other night. What an awful film! It portrayed Princess Diana as totally out of it - needed sectioning.
Maybe she did have Mental Health problems but that film was an insult. I only hope the Princes never watched it!
General Discussion / Re: Charles in Australia
« Last post by Old Cruser on November 02, 2024, 09:13:56 AM »
Saw on the news Charles getting heckled after his speech down under. Lidia Thorpe shouted:- "Your not my King, it's not your land" right on both points.

I don't know what she's bellyaching about, they only have to put up with a couple of royals once every twenty years or so, we've got the lot of them 24/7.

Did you see Camilla's face when she was standing in the middle of the dancers  :)) I think one needs more lessons on how to be a 'Royal' as she was looking as if she found it all very distasteful with her face screwed up!
General Discussion / Re: Charles in Australia
« Last post by Sorastro on November 01, 2024, 10:52:19 AM »
Just caught a glimpse of a trailer for a programme coming on telly, don't know what channel or when but it's about the Royals and their "secret" millions.

Not an earth shattering revelation in itself {everyone knows they never spend their own money} but none the less should make interesting viewing, unless Charles does a Putin and stops it from airing.
Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Fireworks
« Last post by Old Cruser on October 29, 2024, 08:31:04 PM »
I don't think the Rugby Club have had theirs yet. I think it's the 8th November.
The Scouts have one, top end of Nethermoor Road but again I don't think they've had it yet.
Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Fireworks
« Last post by Sorastro on October 29, 2024, 08:12:38 PM »
I think they had a bit of a display the other night at Tupton behind the club, plus I've been hearing bangs for a couple of nights now from the Tupton area, the prices of these fireworks seem to go up yearly yet the ££££'s worth that go up in smoke is staggering.
Politics / Re: Stop the boats
« Last post by Old Cruser on October 29, 2024, 08:04:22 PM »
Where do the Migrants get money to pay these Crookston bring them here?
Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Fireworks
« Last post by Old Cruser on October 29, 2024, 08:02:34 PM »
Welcome to the forum, Agent O.
They must have plenty of money!
We could only afford to let them off on the night
Chesterfield Discussion / Rose Hill Caf Park
« Last post by Old Cruser on October 29, 2024, 07:59:48 PM »
What's  happening on there. There's a large area dug up?
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