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Topics - Old Cruser

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Chesterfield Discussion / Derbyshire Slang
« on: January 11, 2025, 08:11:42 PM »
Just thinking about our Debrys⁶hire slang. It's surprising how people from villages close by speak differently at times.
Years ago I remember  shot was a shirt.
Shirting was shouting and yes we have the Derbyshire ducks.
There's lots more  :))

General Discussion / Thermals on!
« on: January 04, 2025, 09:29:25 AM »
Again we are promised cold conditions and snow.
My Hedgehog told me several days before if became cold as he finally went into hibernation.
Osca, is his name and I suspect he's blind so over wintering him with me until spring when I'll get a vets assessment.
Anyway, he's a clever hedgehog as they all are and can predict when frost ( extra cold) is on its way. Who needs the Me office!  ;D
Anyway, I for one can't cope with cold weather, my asthma kicks in. I hate the heating being on all the time. Gives me headaches and blocks my nose.
 :))It also turns me into a moaning old cruser.
Anyway, Stay safe folks. Once I've collected my friend and taken home I'm  parking up and hunkering down.

General Discussion / Trump
« on: January 03, 2025, 09:29:41 PM »
I've just seen President Trump has been ordered to attend sentencing on Friday.
I thought that had been ' swept under the carpet '
Interesting - will he just get a slap on hus wrist??

General Discussion / 2025
« on: December 28, 2024, 06:27:30 PM »
Christmas is over I hope you all enjoyed it and evaded the flu virus which is going around !
We have here ( for now)
We haven't done much as usual.
Christmas Eve meal out then hibernated until after Boxing Day.
The same is planned for New Year Eve then at home New Years Day.
I was hoping to nip into town on Monday to have a look at the Old cars which stand on bottom market.
See how that works out!!
It would make a change to go out and not be rushing round.
Maybe I need to make that my New Years resolution 🤔

Happy New Year everyone

General Discussion / Catching up
« on: December 07, 2024, 10:21:19 AM »
We all have them. Manic times when we long for some peace and quiet.
At last I think things have settled now so I can catch up!
We had a death in our family, my aunt in her 90,s passed away the night before we were due to visit her. So train cancelled and cases obviously still packed we nipped off to Liverpool instead of Huntingdon!
Two services one we attended I  Huntingdon and and here for those in thd family who couldn't get to Huntingdon. We had 3 relatives from Australia staying with us.
Busy in other areas of my life as well but ----
at last we have some normality creeping back here!

Entertainment / Stanton at War Presentation THS
« on: December 02, 2024, 11:23:33 AM »
This is our next presentation on coming Thursday apparently it has some footage taken from this time.
Usual place and time

Chesterfield Discussion / Rose Hill Caf Park
« on: October 29, 2024, 07:59:48 PM »
What's  happening on there. There's a large area dug up?

Rants / Motability
« on: October 05, 2024, 01:43:51 PM »
Before i begin this I need to say this isn't a rant about Motability who have been more than helpful.
Short version - a scratch on the back of car whilst hoisting the chair into the back of the car.
I was offered a curtesy car which I accepted as was told it would be away for a week.
Daughter had a medical appointment.
A car was booked and I stipulated twice it needed to be a low car with room for a folding manual wheelchair. I needed it by lunch time on the day our car was going in.
I had a text from the hire company that the car would be with me at 6pm or just after - no good to me.
So, Ok I decided to sort the transport out myself.
Ordinary taxi which could take daughter and PA plus fold up manual chair to daughters appointment.
( Her normal taxis do school runs and would be available to transport her in powered wheelchair)
No problem said Motability we can arrange a taxi - brilliant I didn't know they provided that service.
Taxi arrived on time and transported in powered wheelchair to medical appointment.
PROBLEM - the company couldn't then get transport to get them back home.
It was getting cold and shops about to close so I cancelled the taxi ( they were still looking 20 minutes after she should have been picked up!!

Hire car arrived in the middle of the afternoon - it's HUGE no way can daughter get in that - need frigging ladders which she can't climb any way.
Result I refused to drive it and instructed Motability to cancel it.
It's currently still sitting on our drive!

To motability, i suggest maybe a scrutiny of car hirer used and taxi company.

Chesterfield Discussion / Dead
« on: September 15, 2024, 06:01:01 PM »
We went into chesterfield last Monday, the work on the Market area is it larger? The Market none existent. Enjoyed the old cars though.

Entertainment / Paupers Past
« on: August 27, 2024, 05:31:25 PM »
Tupton History Society
A presentation by Tim Knebel ( Peak In The Past).
This is open to anyone.
Parking is available
Accessible Venue.
Doors open at 6.30.
Presentation starts 7.00pm

General Discussion / Holidays 2024
« on: July 08, 2024, 05:41:50 PM »
We've nipped off for a few short breaks and the weather's been glorious. Returned from York today so have the washing pegged out and it's drying nicely - roll on the next one ------- ;)

General Discussion / The Weather - again
« on: June 13, 2024, 11:25:01 AM »
When are we going to get some warmer weather. Fed up of this cool weather now. At least a few days spattered in with the odd cool day would be welcomed. I've not bothered to get my summer clothes out yet!

Rants / Honking horns
« on: June 11, 2024, 08:45:50 PM »
Taxi drivers who park up outside a house and sit  pressing the car horn.
7.45am this morning a taxi was doing this. We were up but some people work nights or there may be other reasons they need sleep.

Entertainment / Tupton Pride Event
« on: May 26, 2024, 09:40:11 AM »
Next Saturday, the first event ever Tupton Pride, with a full afternoon entertainment programme.

General Discussion / Virus
« on: May 05, 2024, 04:49:23 AM »
Is there anything going around.
Sinus problem, Asthma kicked off, coughing none stop, wheezing -
Lovely - it's Bank Holiday weekend and I feel rubbish.
It's not Covid, I tested for that yesterday.
I booked to go out for Sunday lunch to the Greyhound - cancelled that!

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