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Politics / Syria liberated
« Last post by Sorastro on December 09, 2024, 09:57:03 AM »
So Assad has been ousted, Syria is free from his tyrannical rule.

But what is going to fill the void? as with middle east countries the population end up with an even bigger nightmare, remember Baghdad remember Lybia. Even way back to Idi Amin and Uganda the bloke that took over from Amin turned out to be ten times worse, so much so that the Ugandan people at one stage wanted Amin back.

Turns out Assad has gone to Russia, not a surprise there, I just wonder what Assad's wife {who is British} makes of it all, she can't have been totally unaware of what was happening in the country for all those years...... perhaps she's another Eva Peron!!!
General Discussion / Re: Ordering on line
« Last post by smithy266 on December 08, 2024, 11:01:16 PM »
I ordered a book online....'How to Avoid being Scammed'....and after three month, it still hasn't been delivered.
Rants / Re: Jeeez!
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 08, 2024, 05:08:56 PM »
Banana taped to a wall fetches 5 million dollars at art auction......I'll wake up in a minute.

What?????  :)) :)) :))
General Discussion / Re: Clay Cross roadworks
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 08, 2024, 05:06:54 PM »
I was in the left lane a few weeks ago, waiting to turn left to Tesco. When they changed to green the vehicle on my right was hesitating to go because there was a vehicle on his right on the roundabout, obviouslt waiting as their lights were on Red, ( it made me chuckle) but it's NOT funny is it.
I think there's a petition going round
General Discussion / Re: Ordering on line
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 08, 2024, 05:03:27 PM »
We are not frequent buyers of online stuff.
A friend is, yes they got their goods which were faulty, returned with proof of photo delivery to their mobile phone - no refund.
We are talking just short of a grand here!
I helped and it took weeks, the person wanted to give up but I wouldn't  ( I'm a head pecker  :)))
Numerous calls later a refund was given and to be honest this person who was obviously lying about not having received the faulty goods back was a Crook - there's plenty out there!!
General Discussion / Re: Catching up
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 08, 2024, 04:57:11 PM »
Condolences O.C.

That's another thing about growing old, you spend your younger years going to weddings and christenings and in later life it just seems to be funerals.

That is so true!! a couple of years ago I lost three of my long standing friends. My aunt was a good age 96 yrs and I know she had had enough as she had lost her independence. In the past she has stayed here for a week or two and caught up with family and friends but not visited for 2 years. We will all miss her.
General Discussion / Re: Catching up
« Last post by Sorastro on December 07, 2024, 12:44:06 PM »
Condolences O.C.

That's another thing about growing old, you spend your younger years going to weddings and christenings and in later life it just seems to be funerals.
General Discussion / Catching up
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 07, 2024, 10:21:19 AM »
We all have them. Manic times when we long for some peace and quiet.
At last I think things have settled now so I can catch up!
We had a death in our family, my aunt in her 90,s passed away the night before we were due to visit her. So train cancelled and cases obviously still packed we nipped off to Liverpool instead of Huntingdon!
Two services one we attended I  Huntingdon and and here for those in thd family who couldn't get to Huntingdon. We had 3 relatives from Australia staying with us.
Busy in other areas of my life as well but ----
at last we have some normality creeping back here!
Entertainment / Re: Stanton at War Presentation THS
« Last post by Old Cruser on December 07, 2024, 10:09:25 AM »
A terrible day/night weather wise attendance low but ---- it was brilliant!
The speaker was very good and narrated the old footage he had come across.
Showing the making of bombs in the stanton ironworks in the 1940's.
We rarely get old video footage so that was a real treat!
Next meeting is Peak Rail
Entertainment / Re: Stanton at War Presentation THS
« Last post by smithy266 on December 07, 2024, 09:57:29 AM »
Sorry I couldn't get to this one...hope it went well...
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