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One of my all time favourite shows


Whilst channel hopping the other night {no cancel hopping means something entirely different nowadays!!!}

Whilst watching tv the other night I glanced through the schedules for late evening and found one of the best comedy shows ever been on tv being repeated........Up Pompeii I loved it.
I loved Frankie Howerd, I loved the saucy seaside postcard humour, yes the scripts were lame and very predictable, especially the ode's but it was good wholesome fun.
What I do find amusing is that at the beginning of the show there is a warning caption along the lines of this programme was made in a different age were customs and language differ from today, compared to what's on nowadays U.P. is tame by comparison, it's very refreshing to find a comedian, and a show, on the box that can keep you laughing without resorting to effing and blinding.

Old Cruser:
Which channel is that on? I'm recording Sorry, Terry and June, Birds of a feather and another one can't think what it's called It's got Alf Garnet in but it's a bit errr well maybe not right for todays standards, We've had Some Mothers Do ave em, Benidorm ( ohhhh that's really naughty!!) As Time goes by oh and Hi de Hi
I'm waiting for Duty Free to be re shown-----

It's on freeview channel 65 {That's tv 2} on latish though after 11p.m. after prisoner cell block H but right now it's Benny Hill.

Unfortunately it's one of those channels that can pixilate sometimes and spoil your viewing.

Old Cruser:
I'll  keep that in mind. Thanks


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