Author Topic: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***  (Read 961 times)

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Chesterfield 4ever

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Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« on: February 06, 2023, 10:25:59 PM »
saw in the news that chesterfield has been named the most stressful place to live. What a load of complete nonsense. You can be stressed any place no matter where you are but to say chesterfield is the most stressful is just ridiculous. Anyone else got any views on this.

Old Cruser

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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #1 on: February 09, 2023, 01:53:36 PM »
I can only stab a guess that maybe it's because so many moan and complain about the Town centre shops - or lack of them????
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2023, 02:57:25 PM »
saw in the news that chesterfield has been named the most stressful place to live. What a load of complete nonsense. You can be stressed any place no matter where you are but to say chesterfield is the most stressful is just ridiculous. Anyone else got any views on this.

 My feelings on Chesterfield are well known on this site and  it's subsequent replies, plus issues of the D.T. seem to back up my appraisal. From what I can glean Chesterfield have a leadership that couldn't run a bath, they are only interested in projects that have fancy names and have been dreamt up by pen pushers in Whitehall, it's time we had a massive clear out at the Town hall. Heaven knows what their own personal finances are like if they can squander large sums of the taxpayers money, on vanity schemes, only to see very little "progress" in the town.

I remember reading something about Chesterfield in the mid to late 60's {Ah' yes I remember not a wrinkle on me!}  I read somewhere that a nationwide survey had taken place covering EVERY city, town, village, hamlet and chicken coop in England to find out which were the most dangerous regarding town centre violence and out of ALL those places surveyed {including London} Chesterfield was in the top ten, and for a town that takes some thinking about.

EVERYONE on the Council and attached to it in Chesterfield should be voted out of office so Chesterfield can start with a clean slate and fresh minds, and until that happens these posts will continue and pages of the D.T. will carry doom and gloom stories.
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.

Chesterfield 4ever

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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #3 on: February 09, 2023, 10:46:28 PM »
I would kindly swap places with anyone who's currently living in chesterfield at the moment for the stupid little no hope of a town that I am stuck in, in the north east of England. Where if you do come from here they let you know. Since I moved here not out of my choice and I have tried to move back to chesterfield without any luck I've been called a snob because I was born in a town that has a crooked spire and because I speak different I've been told along with my mother father (who's deceased as of 18 years ago) and brother to get out of this stinking town we moved to up north but the piece of paper shoved through our letterbox referred to us as bast***s for whatever was going through the person or people's head at the time who wrote it and other things have happened, so yeah I'd come back to chesterfield asap and would forget this stinking seaside town that has hardly any shops one bank and the most unfriendly people I have ever clapped eye's on in all my life, so anyone fancy a swap from a house up in the north, you would soon be wishing you were back In chesterfield as well. I only hope and pray I don't die in the north east of England, I hope God spares me that pain. To me chesterfield is the best place on earth call me biased by hey I don't care. I was born there and it's still my home and always will be. I could never ever put my hometown down not as long as I live or even after I've died.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2023, 10:48:56 PM by Chesterfield 4ever »

Chesterfield 4ever

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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #4 on: February 09, 2023, 11:10:09 PM »
Also in the dead end no hope of a seaside town, you can't even go to a shoe shop because they had two at too different times and they shut, as did one of the three bank's now just one for everyone next bank is 13miles away yet it has 6 charity shops which may be helpful for people, it has a small butchers, five fishshops which they don't need in a small town like this, they have no clothes shop at all for men yet two small ones for women and a Hardwear shop one co-op one small Tesco minus most basic things one Morrisons way over priced and that's it, oh no hang on they shut a clothes shop as the owners retired only to open a nail bar in its place. This seaside town is so ridiculous well the locals are that they don't even like people coming here for the holidays and they said why can't people go somewhere else shows you what I mean about them not liking anyone but themselves. They have a sign up saying it's the friendliest port firstly I don't believe it's ever been known as a port and when we as a family came here their was a dolphin that swam around in the sea and even that buggered off well the locals drove it to swim away as the kids who come from here used to annoy it, poor animal. Chesterfield i wish I was there. Anyone looking to move from chesterfield just let me know yeah and I'll move back no problem.


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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2023, 08:51:52 PM »
saw in the news that chesterfield has been named the most stressful place to live. What a load of complete nonsense. You can be stressed any place no matter where you are but to say chesterfield is the most stressful is just ridiculous. Anyone else got any views on this.

In this weeks D.T. it says Chesterfield is one of the best places in the country to bring up a family!!!
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.

Old Cruser

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Re: Chesterfield most stressful place to live, WHAT THE F***
« Reply #6 on: May 20, 2023, 09:36:36 AM »
In this weeks D.T. it says Chesterfield is one of the best places in the country to bring up a family!!!

 :-? :-? :-?
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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