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Topics - Old Cruser

Pages: 1 ... 72 73 [74]
Chesterfield Discussion / Cineworld/ McD's
« on: February 28, 2012, 06:37:00 PM »
Are there any plans to alter this road lay out around the cineworld/McD's.
It's taken us ages to get out of there --AGAIN traffic congested, nothing moving, it took I think about 30 mins to get out from the front disabled parking onto Derby Road. It was a busy time I admit, but it can be just as bad at none busy times, and those flipping car headlights from the McD's drive through are a pest when driving towards them.
It really is time something was done  >:(

Chesterfield Discussion / Snow on the way
« on: February 03, 2012, 06:52:50 PM »
I have looked on the BBC weather site for chessy and yes heavy snow is forcast from 6pm saturday night turning to sleet in the early hours on Sunday morning.
Take care out there folks if we do get it!

General Discussion / A Trip Down Memory Lane
« on: January 25, 2012, 09:17:43 AM »
We all have memories young or old so just wondered if you would like to join in and share some of yours?

As a child I remember the small black and white tele coming in and the excitment watching muffin the mule, johnny morris (hot chesnut man), wooden tops ------ :)

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