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Messages - emmz

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Its mainly for publicity as well i reckon
JC is a 54 year old and i am more than sure he knows what he is doing, he has been in trouble before with the beeb and in countries he has been to but they still keep him in a job,.
Let him take the punishment, if he gets the sack so be it.

Rants / Re: Contract work
« on: February 10, 2015, 04:04:38 PM »
OC no ties, can look and leave with a weeks notice on my own accord.
The downside you do something they don't like and  they can sack you.
I love the job I am doing but nfortunatelty will not get the chance of permancy due to the accounts being lost left right and centre,

Gert, as Monday was my first meeting it will also be my last if they were to get me in again. As they have me on the last warning

Rants / Contract work
« on: February 09, 2015, 03:13:21 PM »
As some of you may know i started a contract with Manpower back in 2013 working at CSC.
Just recently the people getting "the sack" has risen quite rapidly
Anyhow, i was called in last week to discuss my absence, I know its high and was expecting the worst, however....
On my file it shows me of having talks with the lady there, and apparently have notes to confirme this, well after speaking with lady on monday she asked how many times have you spoken with C* to which i replied er none, her reaction was quite funny when she asked are you sure? to which i replied yes never spoken, never been asked to go for a meeting..

Well i should have got the sack and expected as much but because said C had never called me into a meeting I have been saved for now.

Being a contract worker i dont have the option of being in a union, I also know i can be let go at a weeks notice or immediately. But why not do things by the book why on my record does it show said meetings when i have 1) no proof of it and 2) never been asked to one, this time round i recieved an email of such meeting to which i saved in a folder....

Not so much of a rant but it has pissed me off, especially when all these people are being shown the door, one because CSC are losing their accounts so dont need the people and 2) that we can be treated this way from Manpower themselves.

So now, I can't have a sick day for 6 months otherwise my next meeting will see their boot in my arse

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Snow on it's way ???
« on: January 27, 2015, 04:50:00 AM »
I remember a couple of years ago where we had really warm weather for about a week, talking like no coat weather then the week after we had snow.
Little un was in nursery at the time to me thats a tad strange especially as people were dressed for warmer weather then had to bring out the snow boots again

Techie Or Suggestions / Re: WhatsApp
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:22:47 PM »
when you connect your samsung to the laptop does it not show all files on the phone as well as an SD card (if you have one) On my phone (android) there is a folder called whatsapp already, had the pictures in there. I am sure there is a way of saving the pics recieved to the device however i can't tell you much more as not received anything in a while

General Discussion / Re: I get dafter!
« on: January 23, 2015, 07:40:04 PM »
remind me to stay in my 30's...

General Discussion / Re: Holidays - Sorted...
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:39:07 PM »
Our holiday is booked this year, not spending at costa del skeg but at Mablethorpe.
It's in school time but have already asked headteacher for time off ith laura, but to be honest i would pay the fine should it come to that,
When you look at prices it is ridiculous. nearly £400 more if we chose to go in july instead

General Discussion / Re: Highlight of your year in 2014
« on: January 07, 2015, 08:21:15 PM »
Had a fab break in the south with father in law and his mad wife.
Visited lego land and London for the first time
Had my first birthday party at the age of 30 where all my good friends and Other half family turned up and made it a special one
Celebrated my first year in the not so new job.

Got diagnosed with Asthma again which made the first half of the year rather miserable
Had a relapse with anxiety and depression but soldiered on anyway

Most months are dry for me I very rarely drink, i dont smoke either....I eat far too much but heh what you gonna do.
The most i will drink is on a very very rare night out or for 1 night in june when I go to walsall to see a few friends....

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: HAPPY NEW YEAR
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:39:11 PM »
happy new year folks, I am off to work in an hour :(
We decided to wake the girl up at 11:30pm and have a short walk to see the fireworks

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Post Christmas drink
« on: December 29, 2014, 06:20:42 PM »
Cheers I am more or less better have eaten this eve but Other half has it now, noro virus sounds possible in our house as we have all had it including mother in law!. Not so great, have a bevvy or two for me :) x

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Post Christmas drink
« on: December 29, 2014, 09:15:28 AM »
although today i have a short shift to work i cant really make it anyway, contracted a stomach bug a few days back and although i am recovering i still have some not so pleasant effects. I promise i will make an Xmas meet up one year, I'll be thinking of you all x

Chesterfield Discussion / What did santa bring?
« on: December 28, 2014, 03:13:10 PM »
Curious as to what Santa brought you lovely folks for crimbo?
Coat, steamer pot thing and some pennies and chocs for me.
The little one was spoilt rotten as per the usual

Santa also left me with a sickness bug, not sure i wanted that to be honest.

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Happy Christmas Peeps :-)
« on: December 24, 2014, 04:10:22 PM »
Hi all
Hope you have a brilliant Christmas, I can't make the meet up but wish you all well.
Wont back on the computer til around sunday (ish) but probs be on fb on the phone :)

Chesterfield Discussion / Re: Post Christmas drink
« on: December 01, 2014, 10:07:07 PM »
Depends what Shift i am on, do not have the luxury of the FIL this year, dependant on where you go as well? If i finish at 6pm ill be walking down Brampton but probably will not be going to town,...
If I am on early shift I will be in bed  :))

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