Author Topic: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist  (Read 5980 times)

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Re: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist
« Reply #30 on: May 10, 2018, 01:46:51 AM »
Are the incidents not related. I thought all this came from the incident I quoted from another forum ?
no the incidents are not directly related, this incident was two years before the incidents involving the council security in the pavements however though it has never been officially stated there is a rather tenuous link, this is what I know, there used to be a security guard in Wilkos and when any shoplifting cases came over his radio he would chase around town in an attempt to involve himself in some way, as I understand it he got on his radio and stated quite wrongly that my disabled partner and special needs son were in Wilkos behaving suspiciously, we believe this was the trigger for a pavements security guard to approach them in Poundland in the pavements and instruct them he was going to search them, they then informed the guard he had no authority to do so and went on their way they had gone a few yards down the pavements when my son was violently set upon from behind without warning or explanation (Toby Perkins described this vicious attack as a rugby tackle) he was then dragged into Poundland and held in the shop front where he was loudly taunted by this guard stating the police were on their way and  he was going to be arrested for shoplifting.
During this time he decided he needed to find his mother as she has a serious balance condition and he was concerned for her safety so he attempted to leave where he was set upon once again and dragged around by his lapels by this Council thug, it must be pointed out that as there had been no citizen’s arrest he was free to leave at any time, However having been held for twenty minutes the police arrived and executed a pace search on my son and found him to be innocent of any wrongdoing, it is at this point that the Police decided not only to totally ignore the rules governing pace searches but also to break the law themselves as they were asked by the head guard to detain my son for a further length of time outside Poundland so he could come and abuse him some more, this detention was totally unlawful, also my son complained to the police that he had been assaulted and the police refused to investigate, when this guard who wanted to speak to my son arrived (his late arrival was caused because he was busy elsewhere) he handed my son a six months ban from the pavements centre without good reason.
On seeing my son being viciously attacked by the uniformed thug my partner decided to ring me, she knew there was a payphone downstairs in the library so she went there, as she approached the lift she noticed two security guards go hurtling  downstairs but thought nothing of it and carried on, what she did not know was that the head guard supported by another guard were lying in wait like the skulking criminals they are ready to ambush her, as she exited the lift the head guard grabbed her   without warning or explanation and dragged her off into an alcove (conveniently obscuring the camera point down the corridor) where he violently pinned her against a wall by her neck, she told him that he was hurting her and he told her he would relax his grip if she did not run off, what is surprising  about this statement was that the other guard present knew of her disability as he had once accused her of being drunk due to her disability and he knew of her Ataxia. As a result of this unprovoked and vicious attack she unleashed a string of fs bs and cs on these two criminal scumbags and they got the police in to charge her with a public order offence as I suspect they had now come  realise no crime had been committed which was proved by a search of my partner, the setting up and execution of this attack was why the head guard requested of the Police that they unlawfully detain my son outside Poundland, also at one point my partner was outside the library with two police women and who should appear but  the Wilkos security guard who shouted at her she would not get away with it this time like she did last time, it is clear to me he felt cheated over the last time when my partner was proved to be innocent and he was carrying out some kind of vendetta rather helpfully supported on this occasion by chesterfield borough council employees, a few days after I saw the guard who had assisted in the attack on my partner and questioned him regarding the attack he would not answer me on this but he did impart one useful piece of information which was that the day after the attacks all the guards were sat round a table together to write out written statements I have a recording of this encounter but it was my belief this is where all the lies were constructed. There is more than I have put here which concerns the aftermath and includes more Council lies and lawbreaking what I have wrote here is just the tip of the iceberg of council lies deceit and cover up


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Re: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist
« Reply #31 on: May 10, 2018, 02:13:30 AM »
What you are telling us is a very complex situation and I can understand why some would take little notice.
However we should all be mindful that some situations such as you claim have eventually been proved to be true - much to the astonishment of others.

Who would ever have thought it - it is a statement we have  all heard.

I'm not sure where you could go with this now TBH as most avenues appear to have been exhausted.

Just please don't waste a vote by not using it.
Vote for someone else.
It could well be the one vote they need to be elected!! ;)
i must tell you i have every understanding and respect for your position regarding voting as i used to think much the same way as yourself, however as i wrote at the beginning democracy in chesterfield is dead and buried what is the point in engaging in the so called democratic process when the Labour Council Leader and the corrupt Council as a whole has proved to me beyond doubt that democracy in Chesterfield is non existant, it would be like me going to church to pray for a god i no longer believe in.

Old Cruser

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Re: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist
« Reply #32 on: May 10, 2018, 11:00:36 AM »
i must tell you i have every understanding and respect for your position regarding voting as i used to think much the same way as yourself, however as i wrote at the beginning democracy in chesterfield is dead and buried what is the point in engaging in the so called democratic process when the Labour Council Leader and the corrupt Council as a whole has proved to me beyond doubt that democracy in Chesterfield is non existant, it would be like me going to church to pray for a god i no longer believe in.

With a different Party in hopefully things would be different and that is why we need to use our votes. Let someone else have a go.  ;)
The old lady with the wonky middle finger

Old Cruser

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Re: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist
« Reply #33 on: May 10, 2018, 11:03:12 AM »
no the incidents are not directly related, this incident was two years before the incidents involving the council security in the pavements however though it has never been officially stated there is a rather tenuous link, this is what I know, there used to be a security guard in Wilkos and when any shoplifting cases came over his radio he would chase around town in an attempt to involve himself in some way, as I understand it he got on his radio and stated quite wrongly that my disabled partner and special needs son were in Wilkos behaving suspiciously, we believe this was the trigger for a pavements security guard to approach them in Poundland in the pavements and instruct them he was going to search them, they then informed the guard he had no authority to do so and went on their way they had gone a few yards down the pavements when my son was violently set upon from behind without warning or explanation (Toby Perkins described this vicious attack as a rugby tackle) he was then dragged into Poundland and held in the shop front where he was loudly taunted by this guard stating the police were on their way and  he was going to be arrested for shoplifting.
During this time he decided he needed to find his mother as she has a serious balance condition and he was concerned for her safety so he attempted to leave where he was set upon once again and dragged around by his lapels by this Council thug, it must be pointed out that as there had been no citizen’s arrest he was free to leave at any time, However having been held for twenty minutes the police arrived and executed a pace search on my son and found him to be innocent of any wrongdoing, it is at this point that the Police decided not only to totally ignore the rules governing pace searches but also to break the law themselves as they were asked by the head guard to detain my son for a further length of time outside Poundland so he could come and abuse him some more, this detention was totally unlawful, also my son complained to the police that he had been assaulted and the police refused to investigate, when this guard who wanted to speak to my son arrived (his late arrival was caused because he was busy elsewhere) he handed my son a six months ban from the pavements centre without good reason.
On seeing my son being viciously attacked by the uniformed thug my partner decided to ring me, she knew there was a payphone downstairs in the library so she went there, as she approached the lift she noticed two security guards go hurtling  downstairs but thought nothing of it and carried on, what she did not know was that the head guard supported by another guard were lying in wait like the skulking criminals they are ready to ambush her, as she exited the lift the head guard grabbed her   without warning or explanation and dragged her off into an alcove (conveniently obscuring the camera point down the corridor) where he violently pinned her against a wall by her neck, she told him that he was hurting her and he told her he would relax his grip if she did not run off, what is surprising  about this statement was that the other guard present knew of her disability as he had once accused her of being drunk due to her disability and he knew of her Ataxia. As a result of this unprovoked and vicious attack she unleashed a string of fs bs and cs on these two criminal scumbags and they got the police in to charge her with a public order offence as I suspect they had now come  realise no crime had been committed which was proved by a search of my partner, the setting up and execution of this attack was why the head guard requested of the Police that they unlawfully detain my son outside Poundland, also at one point my partner was outside the library with two police women and who should appear but  the Wilkos security guard who shouted at her she would not get away with it this time like she did last time, it is clear to me he felt cheated over the last time when my partner was proved to be innocent and he was carrying out some kind of vendetta rather helpfully supported on this occasion by chesterfield borough council employees, a few days after I saw the guard who had assisted in the attack on my partner and questioned him regarding the attack he would not answer me on this but he did impart one useful piece of information which was that the day after the attacks all the guards were sat round a table together to write out written statements I have a recording of this encounter but it was my belief this is where all the lies were constructed. There is more than I have put here which concerns the aftermath and includes more Council lies and lawbreaking what I have wrote here is just the tip of the iceberg of council lies deceit and cover up

Whilst we have all heard of the over zealous security guard as this is a historic incident I am thinking little could be done - what happened to the CCTV footage by the way?
The old lady with the wonky middle finger


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Re: Council Leader Democracy In Chesterfield Does Not Exist
« Reply #34 on: May 10, 2018, 12:14:34 PM »
Whilst we have all heard of the over zealous security guard as this is a historic incident I am thinking little could be done - what happened to the CCTV footage by the way?
that is another bone of contention as i placed a subject access request for the cctv evidence stating in the request that i wanted the time stamp left on, now as we know when you do this the suppliers of the footage have to blank out video of members of the public while leaving the rest of the footage complete, firstly the footage we have been supplied has the time stamped blanked out and also shows around 20 mins of the camera looking at Poundland and the entire picture is pixelated, just by pure coincidence it is during this time my son was being held in poundland, and also the time he was assaulted for a second time by the council thug, having said that it does show the point my son was attacked and it is clear that there was no discussion or explanation just the attack.
Toby Perkins got to see the unedited footage after a long battle battle as one of the guards managers who worked for Kier wanted to keep it covered up, Toby Perkins told me that the guards management expressed to him that there was no arrest and accepted that wrongdoing had ocurred, and informed him that in future this team of guards would have to be fitted with bodycams and SIA identification, i will point out that at the time of the attacks the guards had no identification on them and also refused to identify themselves, later in my dealings with the councils Executive Director he informed us that the guards were not at the time of the attack SIA registered, a couple of weeks later he withdrew that comment and told us he would provide paperwork to prove the guards were registered, i can inform you to this day no such proof has been provided. it is also useful at this point to say that a few days after the attacks the Pavements Mnager stated to my son and myself that her "security officials were highly professional and fully SIA registered" if this is untrue as stated by the Councils Executive Director then she has commited a criminal offence with the penalty of an unlimited fine possible. i have never been a fan of thatcher however she did have a good turn of phrase one which is particularly relevent to the guards

I must tell you that what we have got is an attempt to substitute the rule of the mob for the rule of law, and it must not succeed. It must not succeed. There are those who are using violence and intimidation to impose their will on others who do not want it. The rule of law must prevail over the rule of the mob.


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