Author Topic: A teacher  (Read 404 times)

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A teacher
« on: February 23, 2019, 06:36:42 PM »
A teacher brought into the classroom some flavoured sweets called 'Lifesavers' which were round and had a hole in the middle.  First she showed them a selection and asked them to identify the taste by the colour.

They correctly identified raspberry because they were red.   Lime were green.   Orange were - well - orange.  Lemon were yellow.

Then she gave each one a sweet to taste.   The sweets were light brown and Honey flavoured but not one child could identify the taste.   Finally she said she'd give them a clue and told them that perhaps in was a name their Mummies called it their Daddies.

Immediately little Johnny spat his sweet out and yelled - 'Oh my God - they're ar$eholes!'

The teacher left the room for a few minutes!
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