Author Topic: time for another brexit referendum?  (Read 847 times)

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time for another brexit referendum?
« on: February 27, 2019, 01:12:23 AM »
Since the leave vote i have been following the polls including the governments poll of polls. now if these are to be beleived the opinion of the people has shifted quite dramaticaly with remain votors being in the majority for well over a year now and at the last count showing a lead over leave of 10%, yet still this discredited government is dogedly sticking to their mantra that it is the will of the people, without actually giving a damn as to what the people do actually want.

It has been three years since the referendum yet these hidebound bufoons cannot comprehend that "the people" may have realised that they have been hoodwinked by the like of Mogg, Gove and Johnson to name just a few and would like to correct a catastrophic mistake.

In any democracy the voters do have the right to change their minds, the only reason the so called brexiteers do not want another referendom on brexit is they fear they will lose as thier lies and deception are less likely to work a second time around, which followed to its logical conclusion suggests they are only interested in their own dogma and not in the wishes of the british voters which they erroneously claim to be standing up for.


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Re: time for another brexit referendum?
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2019, 10:44:59 AM »
Since the leave vote i have been following the polls including the governments poll of polls. now if these are to be beleived the opinion of the people has shifted quite dramaticaly
In any democracy the voters do have the right to change their minds

Exactly.... people are of the opinion that the outcome of leaving the E.U. is infinite i.e. impossible to reverse, not so, unless of course the rest of the E.U. say no.
Every 5 years or so Britain is given a chance to vote on the next government, yet the idea that THIS referendum on the E.U. is the one and only chance we have to choose is just plain silly.
An analogy of this is that if you divide your shopping trips up between Morrisons and Tesco, and the rest of the family prefer Morrisons, so you tell Tesco your not going to shop as often there anymore {if at all}, so Tesco says o.k. then don't ever come into a Tesco store again and if you do you will be charged FULL WHACK for your purchases and charged for parking, and using a trolley!

That would of course never happen, so what's to stop us re joining the E.U.?? {baring in mind we haven't actually left yet!}
I am not a pessimist, I just help them out when they're busy.


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